Why do our customers choose us?

Why do our customers choose us

Why do our customers choose us?

With more than 22 years of experience, Shahab Induction Group (SIG) has developed new ways for combining practical knowledge and innovation to make technology useful to a wide range of customers with various requirements.

Why do our customers choose us


Every system manufactured by Shahab Induction Group is subjected to strict quality tests and rigorous standards which guarantee safe and reliable operation.

Why do our customers choose us


Commitment to the highest quality standards, reflected in the fulfilment of ISO 9001 for more than ten years, has been an integral part of our entreuprenal activities.

All systems manufactured by SHAHAB INDUCTION GROUP enjoy a two-year guarantee and five years of after-sale services with international coverage.

Why do our customers choose us


Environmental concerns have been long among the core priorities of SHAHAB INDUCTION GROUP.

in line with our ecological responsibilities, we have taken significant steps to increase energy efficiency of our systems, and minimize environmental impacts.

Why do our customers choose us


SHAHAB INDUCTION GROUP provides international remote monitoring and scheduled maintenance or its systems, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operation, and maximum productivity rates.

Why do our customers choose us


SHAHAB INDUCTION GROUP offers pre-sale services for customers to ensure the viabiliry of its systems.

Pre-sale viability tests can be conducted in the SIG laboratory or the customer’s facilities.

We also provide Computer simulation of the heating process, and 3d mechanical designs.

Why do our customers choose us


SIG engineers and specialists design systems in a wide range of power and frequency in accordance with the requirements of customers.

Why do our customers choose us


SIG will remain with its customers after the sale and provides services such as installation and start up, staff training , periodic maintence, repair and spare parts on an international level.

Why do our customers choose us

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